Surprising Finds
>> Thursday, January 31, 2013
I'm adding a new principle to eating clean...stay busy! I was so busy today...running errands, chasing my son, going to the gym....that I totally forgot to rummage through the kitchen for junk to eat! I didn't have time to stare down the bag of chocolate chips that are sitting in my freezer. That is all. Stay busy. On it.
Food I'm loving this week...
Do you know how much 2-3 liters is??!!! 2 liters is about 68 ounces or about 8 cups. 3 liters is about 101 ounces or about 13 cups. Let me tell you, that is a lot of water. Today my goal was to focus on getting in my water, so first thing in the morning I filled up my big 30 oz. water jug. It is now 8:00 PM and I've filled it about 2 and a half times and I've been to the bathroom about 15 joke. I started with the water principle because I thought it would be easy. Well I overestimated how much water I already drink each day...apparently not enough. I had to purposely make myself pick up the cup and drink, even if I didn't feel thirsty. I think the only way I'll get used to drinking this much is if I carry around my big souvenir hospital jug marked with ounce measurements. So that is what I plan to do.
So this weekend included a lot of compromises on my part...too many.
Ugh...I just heard three words that threaten to completely derail my clean eating....Girl. Scout. Cookies. I totally forgot that it's Girl Scout cookie time. Otherwise, I may have delayed my clean eating venture. (Just kidding....) Last year at this time I was big, happy, and pregnant. I remember spinning around in my wheelie chair behind my desk while devouring a sleeve of "Lemonades". Mmmm..those were the days. Now that I can see my feet again, I'd like to keep it that way. So while I do not promise to completely forego my Lemonades and Caramel Delights, I do promise not to double fist them. In fact, I'll try to limit it to one a day and only one box total.
Last night my parents invited us over for dinner.....beef and noodles. My mom loves making big, hearty, down-on-the farm meals. There's always, noodles, mashed potatoes, a giant ham, or some sort of roast involved in her dinners. I didn't want to turn down the invite, but I also didn't want to devour a big plate of noodles and white potatoes. So I decided to bring along a dish of whole wheat couscous to substitute for the noodles. I even got my mom to try some.
Yesterday I made a big vegetable lasagna that I thought would last for a couple of days....and it's gone. My husband loved it and even our baby boy devoured it in his highchair.
Before I went grocery shopping I sat down with my Eat Clean cookbook, laptop, and notebook to try to get a grip on what dinner will look like at our house this week. I basically looked through and picked out the recipes that looked the best to me and ones I thought my husband would enjoy. I figure we have a better chance of staying on track if we're eating well!
Something caught my attention while watching one of the morning shows today. Some health guru was talking about eating healthy and mentioned how Chia seeds are a "superfood". That made me think...'Hey! I have a big bag of those in the kitchen left over from my detox'. Other than the pudding I had made, I wasn't sure what else to do with the expensive little things. What to do in such a dilemma? Pinterest, of course! When I searched "chia seeds" I found all kinds of recipes for Chia Fresca and since I had the ingredients, I gave it a try.
All you need is:
Breakfast is my new favorite meal of the day. Here's what it looked like for me this morning:
My breakfast got me off to a good start today. The homemade oatmeal definitely is not as sweet as my usual instant variety, but much more satisfying because I felt like I was actually doing something good to get my morning started....and I am not a morning person, so I could use a little help in this area. It was also even easier than the instant packets since I already had it served up into individual dishes.
For a midmorning snack I had a piece of toasted sesame Ezekial bread with peanutbutter. It definitely has a different texture than white bread, but is much better for you. It is made without flour and can be found in the freezer section of your grocery store (in the natural/organic section). It is much more expensive than a regular loaf of bread. I paid $5.50 for it, but at least I can have a sandwich or toast without feeling like I've wrecked my new eating habits.
I am feeling much better today as I sit down to write this post. I spent awhile this afternoon reading through the Tosca Reno book, Eat Clean Diet Recharged and finished feeling like this was a lot more doable. There was no big detox and no major changes that must be done now! I like that I was given an option to ease into clean eating, which is much more my style. She even had great meal plans and grocery lists to get me started. I took the list and headed to the store...again.
I did not do all out shopping since my husband is still in shock from the Whole Foods grocery bill from last week. I just grabbed a few things that I wanted to have on hand to cook with during the week. Sadly the natural part of the regular grocery store was tiny. There were not many choices and of course the prices were much higher. It was amazing how many items I walked by and never even thought to pick up after having just finished reading up on eating clean. In fact, I passed by several complete aisles I knew had nothing for me. It actually felt nice and made shopping a little easier in a way. My choices were limited, but I felt better about what I was spending my money on.
With all of this on my mind, one thing in particular caught my attention. I passed by a family of 3 whose cart was toppling over with food. I glanced inside and saw several cases of pop (okay, "soda" if you're not a midwesterner like me), potato chips, tv dinners, and they were currently discussing which frozen pizzas to buy. I couldn't help but notice that all three of them were very overweight, including the young boy. Now I don't know these people and I'm not trying to pass judgement. But it did make me realize that I don't ever want to lead my own family down that path and now is the best time to make these good changes since my family is so young. My son is just now starting to eat table food and I want to make sure it's everything he deserves.
So here's what I came away from the store with today:
I woke up today to my husband asking where the thermometer was because he thought he was sick. He had just thrown up (TMI?) after having his morning lemon/ginger water. Our day didn't get much better from there. We were both starving and tired and just felt....ugh. We even crawled back in bed to join our son in an afternoon nap. Before dinner I finally broke and told him that I think we need to end the detox, or at least add something to it. You should have seen the smile on that man's face. Apparently he had been waiting all day for me to come to my senses. After eating some baked chicken and a glass of juice, our day took a turn for the better. We still had our Potassium Balance soup and Chia Pudding for dessert. (I also may or may not have eaten a few M&Ms out of the bowl at my parents' house.)
So I can't really say the detox was successful for us. To be honest, by day 2 it had us feeling pretty awful and food, or the lack of, was all I could think about. That's no way to least not in this house! HOWEVER, this is not to say I'm giving up on eating clean. In fact, I checked out two books from the library today that I'm hoping will motivate me to keep at it. From our experience, I don't think the detox was the best way to start eating clean. In fact, it deterred us if anything. But after looking through the books and reading through some blogs of successful clean eaters, I'm ready to give it a shot. It's not going to be perfect. I'm sure a few more stray M&Ms are going to find their way to my mouth, but if I can at least change some bad habits and add in a lot more fresh, healthy foods, then I'm all for it.
Here are the books I'm taking a look at:
So far, so good. I opened the fridge many times this morning to lurk for food purely out of habit. Then I realized I already had my entire day's food mapped out for me and I closed the fridge and moved onto other things, like chasing down my 10 month old.
This is what I'll be eating for the next 3 days:
Every January I seem to have the same resolutions....lose weight, get healthy, blah, blah, blah. Every February I'm usually sitting on the couch stuffing my face with potato chips & regret. This year was no different except for my obsession with Pinterest. (I've lost many potentially useful hours of my life to Pinterest.) I stumbled on a post for clean eating and started clicking. It led me to several different blogs and lots of information that seemed to make sense. The basic idea is: put good things in, get good things in return. You are what you eat! I really liked the fact that it's not a diet, but a general way of life and that there are no counting calories, points, carbs, etc. In fact, the goal is to be healthy, not to lose weight. (That's just a side effect I'm pretty fond of.)
By the way, I am by no means an expert on this. In fact, I have not yet completed one single day of "clean eating". (That begins tomorrow!) This blog is just a way to keep me motivated and honest. If it
does the same for others, that's just another one of those lucky side effects. ;)
After reading the book Hungry for Change, I decided to kickstart eating clean with the three day detox outlined by the authors. Not only this, but I actually got my husband on board. This means I didn't have to hear one complaint about the outrageous grocery bill after my shopping spree at Whole Foods! This also means I had to prep his breakfast and pack his lunch to make sure he's actually detoxing tomorrow and not devouring a fried chicken sandwich at his desk while I'm at home gnawing on carrot sticks.
So here goes nothing....wish me luck!
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