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New Endeavors for a New Year

>> Thursday, January 3, 2013

Every January I seem to have the same resolutions....lose weight, get healthy, blah, blah, blah. Every February I'm usually sitting on the couch stuffing my face with potato chips & regret. This year was no different except for my obsession with Pinterest. (I've lost many potentially useful hours of my life to Pinterest.) I stumbled on a post for clean eating and started clicking.  It led me to several different blogs and lots of information that seemed to make sense.  The basic idea is:  put good things in, get good things in return. You are what you eat! I really liked the fact that it's not a diet, but a general way of life and that there are no counting calories, points, carbs, etc.  In fact, the goal is to be healthy, not to lose weight.  (That's just a side effect I'm pretty fond of.)  

By the way, I am by no means an expert on this.  In fact, I have not yet completed one single day of "clean eating". (That begins tomorrow!)  This blog is just a way to keep me motivated and honest. If it 
does the same for others, that's just another one of those lucky side effects. ;)  

After reading the book Hungry for Change, I decided to kickstart eating clean with the three day detox outlined by the authors.  Not only this, but I actually got my husband on board.  This means I didn't have to hear one complaint about the outrageous grocery bill after my shopping spree at Whole Foods!  This also means I had to prep his breakfast and pack his lunch to make sure he's actually detoxing tomorrow and not devouring a fried chicken sandwich at his desk while I'm at home gnawing on carrot sticks. 

So here goes nothing....wish me luck!  


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