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Feeling Successful

>> Monday, January 7, 2013

My breakfast got me off to a good start today.  The homemade oatmeal definitely is not as sweet as my usual instant variety, but much more satisfying because I felt like I was actually doing something good to get my morning started....and I am not a morning person, so I could use a little help in this area.  It was also even easier than the instant packets since I already had it served up into individual dishes.

For a midmorning snack I had a piece of toasted sesame Ezekial bread with peanutbutter. It definitely has a different texture than white bread, but is much better for you. It is made without flour and can be found in the freezer section of your grocery store (in the natural/organic section). It is much more expensive than a regular loaf of bread. I paid $5.50 for it, but at least I can have a sandwich or toast without feeling like I've wrecked my new eating habits.

You can find more of the Ezekial products here: Food For Life.  I'd like to try out their cereal, although I have a feeling it won't hit my sweet tooth quite like Lucky Charms.

For lunch I made a tuna salad with lots of veggies (and left out my usual mayo and cheese).  I used this  recipe: Clean Eating Tuna Salad and added a couple of things to spice it up....jalapeños, roasted red peppers, sprouts, and a spoonful of pesto.  It made for a delicious lunch and I have a lot left over for tomorrow. I did eat it with a few crackers, which were not "clean". I may try it over lettuce or spinach next time.

For dinner we had quinoa falafels over kale.  I love falafels and this was my first time making them at home. I made a cucumber yogurt sauce to go on top.

I'm on the lookout for some simple clean recipes for a quick dessert to fend off my sweet craving in the evening. Any good ideas? 


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